Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Help Raise Money for Major Jan Arash, Captain Noorullah Aminyar, and Captain Mohammad Askarzadeh

DONATE! Show your support for the Three Afghan Asylum Seekers!

We have set up a Paypal Donation button to secure donations for these three gentlemen who fear for their lives. Fighting an asylum case is not easy. While Borowski Law is handling the legal defense pro bono, there still are many expenses such as bond money (should the Immigration Court allow for a bond), money for phone calls home and for commissary items such as personal hygiene items and snacks, and expenses associated with litigating an asylum case such as translation costs. Every dollar helps and even if you can only afford a few dollars, please consider donating. All donation money will be used to help Major Arash, Captain Aminyar, and Captain Askarzadeh.

Use the Donation link below to make your donation using Paypal or a Credit Card.


  1. Dear Mathew,

    I would like to appreciate you for supporting these poor soldires.

    I started from my self and shared your page with other friends.

    I hope everyone take this into consideration.

    Kind Regards,

  2. Dear Mathew,

    I would like to appreciate you for supporting these poor soldires in this difficult and critical situation.

    I start donation from myself and shared your page with other friends.

    I hope everyone else also take this in to consideration.

    Kind Regards

  3. They broke the law. And you think that somehow gives them a right to have their bond funded by those they broke the law against. BS. Charity starts at home. Get our Marine out of Mexico, feed our homeless. Donate to shelters. Le these be on their own. ITs bad enough we are paying for their defense
